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399 records found. Showing record 1

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Details for chromo 0065
Year : 1878
Format : mm 105 x 71
Exists in these languages:
 (Scènes alsaciennes)
 ... (title in this language not known)
 (Scènes alsaciennes)
 Elsässische Volksszenen  (details)
 Alsazia, scene populare

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Printed by:  
Hutinet, diverse addresses in Paris  
Catalog Catalogcode
Arnold spielhagen   N_0012  
Au bon marché   ABM_HU_05  
Dreser   R_A011  
Drukkerscode   HUT_3_L_0065_Alsac  
DVV 1977   D_A024  
Fada   F_0065  
Italien company Milan   M_0001  
Jansens   J_0086  
Liebig Antwerpse Collectie   L_0080  
Sanguinetti   S_0065  
Tourteau   T_0087  
Van der Auwera 1954   V_A015  
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b 360 EURO (odd cards available) and (Full set available)


e 1750 EURO (Probably be available)
f 480 EURO (odd cards available) and (Full set available)


g 1000 EURO (odd cards available) (Probably be available)
i 1600 EURO (odd cards available) (Probably be available)
One card of this set has a price today which will vary. between EURO 40 and EURO 350 shipping and handling included.

MINIMUM is what I will pay “minimum” for the cards if I need them, otherwise I’ll pay 50%
MAXIMUM price : when I have to break up a MINT complete set of the scarsest variant

Remark: We only buy mint before 1900

The price of such card depends on condition of back and/or front, language, mixed card-set, variants and/or the thematic of the cards (more searched for and scarser), various editions, etc.

Most catalogues offer prices (but cannot deliver the cards) …. we do deliver, if not available now, then make a free reservation

We guaranty authenticity of all our merchandise with a money-back guarantee

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  make a free reservation by using paypal to add up your sets and copy/paste the result in your e-mail, then I will calculate your discount

We guaranty authenticity of all our merchandise with a money-back guarantee

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    Schotensesteenweg 173
    2100 DEURNE

    20 min. from Central Station
    TRAM 10
    Halte Schotensesteenweg
    tel +32 475 69 28 47
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