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   LIEBIG, SET, EPHEMERA,  achat chomos, collections en albums, Lemco, sets, series, Liebig, thematic theme, subject search, card, Kart, chromo, hobby, collect, old, antique, Lemco, Oxo, menu, ephemera,  vieux papier, album, Leibig, Leebig   LIEBIG, SET, EPHEMERA,  aankoop verzamelingen thematische kaartjes, chromos,Lemco, sets, series, Liebig, thematic theme, subject search, card, Kart, chromo, hobby, collect, old, antique, Lemco, Oxo, menu, ephemera,  vieux papier, album, Leibig, Leebig
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Albert, my collection
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Bank account international number :

00 32 475 69 28 47

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29/06/2024: startng the BLOG on the Femish sets ( called in Italy : serias OLLANDESI
4/08/2022: since begin 2022 trying to reach +more collectors by using FACEBOOK, search for Albert.vandenbosch : talks …. About tradecards and ephemera
4/08/2022: using my scans in directories of FLICKR : 107,000 different scans (most of complete 19th century sets) , look for COLLECTOMANIA
3/08/2022: Utube ART talks will start 2023 … too much work on the preparation for a regular time-frame
1/02/2022: trying to set up on Tube regular talks , still in construction … a wonderfull view on lithography; how the colors feed our hart … and how real collectors love the handpress cards 1870 to 1899 , and about the start 1830' of Belgian Porcelain cards
25/07/2021: 7/7/365 available on my cellphone 0032475 69 28 63, and through SKYPE, just mail me for an apointment
24/07/2021: 2021 strategy try-out from today : free sending above 100 Euros track and trace included
23/07/2021: 55 years in business today … wish you were here … thanks for you clientship
8/05/2021: retirement sale is running - sale of full card-collections 19th century litho advertising sets in full albums
8/05/2021: retiremnt sale INVENTORY full thematic collections as big lots fo sale at Delcampe
2/12/2020: SCRAP collection, as test case, fully scanned and inventorised offered as "thirty big albums 19th century hand press litho die-cut GLANSBILDER"
22/11/2020: in Flickr all the scrabs are centralised to sell in one big sale via Delcampe, 24 albums are scanned already, an enormous work still to do
1/03/2020: inventory sale : preparing to sell NEXT WEEK at DelcampeTable card collection, Liebig 19 complete sets
1/03/2020: inventory sale Cibils collection MARCH 2020 …. Cibils was bought by the Liebig company … hundreds of sets, lots of work to number and describe
1/03/2020: inventory sale CREME LIEBIG more than 120 complete sets, in albums and boxes = can take some weeks .. Sa APRIL 2020
8/01/2020: inventory sale : preparations to sell in parts DUTCH collection 1883, around 460 complete sets in albums
20/11/2019: from now on only buying further comics, tradecards and postcards … selling continues on new address
20/11/2019: the new adress is permanent now : Schotensesteenweg 173 - Deurne 2100 - Belgium - Europe
18/11/2019: please avoid sending to old address
27/01/2019: more than 12,000 cards and sets for sale at DELCAMPE and EBAY, selling personal collections now too
12/01/2019: we novellated the multiple byuing for Liebig sets Belgian collection, 10,% off for 10 sets upto 50% off when buying 50 sets. Very effective strategy … you buy from me wherever with Paypal and get immediatly a mail in which you can choose to immediatly cash in the discount Paypalled to you or whatever cerdit-system you wish to use if monthly buying.
1/01/2019: bussines remains active AND I start now selling my personal collections ,,,so, that means that from now, on you can make me an offer on whatever collection ( in Ebayn Delcampe, or on this site and i will prepare it for auction : fist stariting a FIXED price and when not sold then after 30 days you can start bidding with your price. Far more easy would be to visit me
1/08/2018: celebration 54 year family business COLLECTOMANIA - send us a card … don't forget
16/06/2018: personal websites : 12 day program to update all pages, deadline 28/6/2018
10/06/2018: out of personal interest we will never leave the collections of postcards, chromo litho cards
1/06/2018: Business at usual continiously … but I have stopped buyig & selling phonecards, stamps & books
25/05/2018: Albert and Lieve scanning and preparing 500 listings in Ebay and delcampe : deadline end July 2018
1/01/2018: time for working is limited, but I am only a second away from your phone : and Albert personaly picks up the phone now
1/10/2017: new arrivals as well as a great part of archive cannot be scanned : we are retired and take half days off
8/08/2017: since prices at website are sending included, you can have enormous discounts with multiple buying : ask me why, how, when and what
7/06/2017: you can skype now Albert at regular emailadres hosted at - juqt look me up or phone
6/06/2017: taxation and evaluating of very big outstanding collections, also at your home at simple request
5/06/2017: making apointments : tel 00 475 69 28 47 to visit us AND Albert travels now : phone to be visited
4/06/2017: second addres available on appointment : Schotensesteenweg 173 - DEURNE 2100 - ANTWERP - Belgium
3/06/2017: websites and are improved to pay with Paypal
2/06/2017: Only very small specialized fairs are aqainted AND internet booms
1/06/2017: Shop STENENBRUG is sold; please make appointment at new address, business reamins as usual
29/01/2017: Our Truck is sold - no more international fairs - Only one day fairs in Europe and internet sales
29/01/2016: retirment of Albert - but remains active - so please email me personaly if you have questions - Albert
29/01/2015: website is runing now for 18 years and no complaints, send me your opinion if something goes wront, thanks
30/10/2013: images were samples and only one shot of a set was available; working on individual JPG's now : 1800 setsX6cards=10800 X10 languages … 50,000 photographs to make …+ also reverse side photos will make more than 100,000 scans! … will take MANY years … unlikely to pay someone to do it … will i do it myself, will i live long enough to gather any thanks for it? … Iwill i have the time and courage to end this Hercules-job ... wait and see !
27/09/2013: until 27/9/2014 …. Celebration 45 years COLLECTOMANIA : a full year discount on liebig 10sets=10%discount 20sets=20%discount and 30 sets=30%disount
2/06/2013: the site is updated with old photos and old posters ( affiches )
22/05/2013: in the search can be inputted the Liebig number as 4 digits, so example number 3 = 0003
21/04/2013: Collectomania - tablad above NEW inputs all last inputted database objects
10/02/2013: package deals succesfull launched for buyers that wants full-years albums before 1900
13/04/2012: new policy for regular buyers : in shop 20 percent reduction for cash payments
1/09/2011: new system discount, ordering with Paypal & Payment rewards 10procent cash when comming to my chop to get your sets
24/10/2010: new system discount at Paypal for Belgian collelctors because sending is included … but cheap in Belgium
1/02/2010: new sytem for buying online with SKYPE : sets are showed on the webcam, scanned for backs and immediate evaluation on price
7/01/2009: paying Paypal arounded, Paypal adds up each item and totals, you don't have to pay illediatly and can print in the Paypal screen all numbers
6/05/2008: start sale in auctions, scanning full day 200 items a day
1/05/2008: the new website COLLECTOMANANIA is ready and full working
1/04/2008: all themes, new approach finished : input ( type ) in ----> any thematic word in the search at homesite
2/03/2008: color design and contactpage for new website
1/02/2008: new profile for website
1/01/2008: working on database items for sale
1/12/2007: working on catalogue Van Houten, Hobby time fully operational LIEBIG NEDERLANDS 800 different sets catalogued
21/11/2007: 1600 sets in many languages rmade eady to buy with Paypal, tomorrow all others
7/11/2007: pré 1900 shops in Antwerp - Antwerpse winkels vóór 1900
1/11/2007: PARIS : litho printers before 1900 - steendruk : drukkers vóór 1900
20/07/2007: Nederlandstalige reeksen 1e periode afgewerkt, Dutch site
5/07/2007: Discount, afslag, rabat, réduction
30/06/2007: English thema website ok, click on this line
20/06/2007: Deutsche website ist fertig, click hierauf
20/05/2007: website Français en preparation, cliquez sur cette ligne
10/05/2007: Nederlandse website is af, klik op deze lijn
1/05/2007: 633 categories made ready to test
16/04/2007: 3440 items priced and JPG for each
21/03/2007: the new website is tested at
20/03/2007: new website in contruction for Collectomania
19/03/2007: 150 winkels/shops added with JPG now for ALL
23/02/2007: pinterscatalogue priced and JPG for 600 printers
17/02/2007: All Guérin Boutron priced and online
2/02/2007: all Liebig sets priced and online
31/01/2007: All Cibils sets priced and online
15/12/2006: catlogue albums pub with sets over 50 cards, glud inside - ready against february 2007
30/08/2006: For sale section adjusted with PayPal adding up totals without obligation to buy (cut, paste in email, send)
30/07/2006: Dutch language collection (Holland, Suriname, Indonesie, South Afrika, Belgium Flanders, Kongo ), supposed to start in 1929,396 sets, re-described beginning in 1883, +763 sets before 1920
15/06/2006: Winkellataloog ( shops catalogue ) now bringning in shops in other cities and enlarged goal to industry and factories also
30/05/2006: Messenger and Skype full operational with as adres to reach
15/05/2006: Winkellataloog ( shops catalogue ) 500 shop locations and owners + economic activity
30/04/2006: selling online with camera to show sets OK now
15/04/2006: Winkellataloog ( shops catalogue ) for Anbtwerpen almost finished database, ready to bring in shops
1/03/2006: Cibils catalogue : all sets ok,except French and spain editions
2/02/2006: Au Bon Marché catalogue : goal November reached all sets online
1/01/2006: Au Bon Marché catalogue : goal r reached 400 sets online Minot, Appel and even few more
30/12/2005: Paypal operational for all sets which are for sale definetely, all others please ask
4/12/2005: pinterscatalogue goal reached, 20 more today, new GOAL each month 100 more
30/11/2005: Au Bon Marché catalogue : goal November reached 200 sets online Minot, Appel and even few more, new goal : end december 2005 finished
25/11/2005: Cibils catalogue : 100 sets goal November reached, new goals end december 2005 finished
20/11/2005: Guerin Boutron catalogue : goal reached, online APPEL, MINOT, Baster new goal end december 2005 TESTU and Vallet
10/11/2005: PRINTERSCATALOGUE goal : end december 2005 frame finished, minimum 2000 sets online
4/11/2005: Printers catalogue online
Shop catalogue online
LIEBIG Calendars online
Cibil catalogue online
30/09/2005: 10232 prices - in 14 days,the catalogue is complete and can be ordered
25/07/2005: quiz fully operational from now on
10/06/2005: printerscatalogue readdy to produce, active 30/7
1/06/2005: 11000 themas online now for interactive search
20/05/2005: Multiple choice quiz attached, online and active against 30/6
15/05/2005: thematics fully broadened
19/03/2005: Dutch catalogue 24 sets completely described
15/03/2005: Spanish and German text for collectors
25/02/2005: Free acces for everyone to catalogues
19/02/2005: English catalogue 5 sets described
7/02/2005: spanish, english, german texts completed
2/02/2005: conversionlist improved with prices in pop-ups
21/11/2004: French catalogue description of 2 sets
11/11/2004: English catalogue started
1/11/2004: Dutch catalogue 10 sets fully described
31/10/2004: price list definetly online
19/10/2004: Completed the Quiz pages
13/06/2004: price list online for one week test
25/04/2004: quiz site organised
CANCELLED by organiser 25 april
POSTCARD Fair Brussel AUTOWORLD (biggest in Belgium) CANCELLED !!!
please mention this to all concerned
20/04/2004: all prices & all pictures are in database
20/04/2004: catalogue Au Bon Marché, Guérin Boutron, Cibils will be available october 2005
20/04/2004: printed catalogue new version will be availble, online version available USE CONVERTION LIST
USA - ALENTOWN - Pa if you need anything or to meet email in time
31/03/2004: French Liebig catalogue with each set in full detail in French language
31/01/2004: Dutch Liebig catalogue each set with full detail in Dutch language
25/01/2003: next TO DO
Creme Liebig catalogue ( 01/04 )
Au Bon Marché catalogue ( 01/05)
Cibils catalogue END in view around end 2003
20/01/2003: Suchard catalogue online, many JPG's still to make !
2/01/2003: price list is available and conversion lists ready
28/10/2002: 2600 prices more, thematic for sale
28/09/2002: 5500 prices in database
1/09/2002: sets with title +14000
28/08/2002: +1800 sets with 100 prices
22/08/2002: themas : 12221thematic defined searches possible
24/07/2002: titles of sets completed : +5000 in all their languages
23/07/2002: titles of sets : completed +4000 in all their languages
1/06/2002: Database Online

  make a free reservation by using paypal to add up your sets and copy/paste the result in your e-mail, then I will calculate your discount

We guaranty authenticity of all our merchandise with a money-back guarantee

Come to our home in Antwerp
  • Buy by mail, email .............
    Schotensesteenweg 173
    2100 DEURNE

    20 min. from Central Station
    TRAM 10
    Halte Schotensesteenweg
    tel +32 475 69 28 47
  • 55 years in business
  • We send with Money-Back guaranty
  • Ask info E-mail me